Non, je ne gère aucun serveur en ligne avec des bouts de scotch.

Fatigué des longues soirées au goût de café froid, à essayer de gérer votre serveur ou votre hébergement web ? 😩

Concentrez-vous plutôt sur ce que vous savez faire de mieux, je vous apporte une expertise senior en infogérance de serveurs Linux ou d’hébergements Web.

How to monitor your PRESEARCH nodes with prometheus and grafana ?

Les conseils privés de Christophe Ti

(réservé aux personnes intéressées)

Quelles sont les mystérieuses techniques que j’utilise pour mettre en œuvre un serveur Linux Debian (ou hébergement web), fiable, performant et sécurisé, sans devoir monter la garde jour et nuit ?
(pour le savoir, inscris-toi dans le formulaire ci-contre)

Welcome to my very first english article!

I currently manage « only » 3 PRESEARCH nodes but I could manage all PRESEARCH nodes because I’m a system administrator using tools like puppet and debian since many years.

I will NOT show you how to install prometheus or grafana. I will suppose that it’s already done but I will show you the things to do.

First : put the node name inside the description field on presearch website.

Prometheus node

You need to install a prometheus node exporter :

Prometheus node exporter can be installed on a different node that Prometheus server or Grafana server.

You can read the documentation :

After it’s installed, you must check it is working by doing this :

					systemctl status node_exporter

The output will display :

					● node_exporter.service - Prometheus node_exporter
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-08-24 03:03:32 CEST; 5 days ago
   Main PID: 568 (node_exporter)
      Tasks: 7 (limit: 9509)
     Memory: 34.3M
        CPU: 13min 51.798s
     CGroup: /system.slice/node_exporter.service
             └─568 /usr/local/bin/node_exporter

If not, check the startup file /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service :

Description=Prometheus node_exporter


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node_exporter \

ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


The directory /var/lib/prometheus-node_exporter is important and will contains PRESEARCH datas!

BASH script to retrieve PRESEARCH data

Usually, I do scripts with python but this time, it will be with BASH.

WARNING : this script is a template, you need to replace 3 variables :

  • Replace <%= @presearch_api_key %> by your PRESEARCH API Key
  • Replace <%= @presearch_api_url %> by PRESEARCH API URL ( 
  • Replace <%= @collector_path %> by collector_path (/var/lib/prometheus-node_exporter/)

You need to install the “jq” package :  apt install jq

Script path to create : /root/bin/ (or /usr/local/bin/


API_KEY="<%= @presearch_api_key %>"
API_URL="<%= @presearch_api_url %>"
statminok=(0 15 30 45)
DATEM=`date +%M`
if [[ " ${statminok[@]} " =~ " ${DATEM} " ]]; then
    DATES=`date -u --date='-15 minutes' +'%F %H:%M'`
STATS=`curl -s -H "Accept:application/json" "$API_URL/nodes/status/$API_KEY?stats=${checkstat}${startdate}"`

COLLECTOR_FILE=<%= @collector_path %>`hostname -f`.presearch-status.prom
tmpfile=$(mktemp <%= @collector_path %>.XXXXXX)

echo '# HELP presearch_status PRESEARCH Status' >> $tmpfile
echo '# TYPE presearch_status gauge' >> $tmpfile
echo '# Old metrics' >> $tmpfile
echo '# New metrics' >> $tmpfile

# status
# 0 : Disconnected
# 1 : Connected

echo $STATS | jq -c '[.nodes[] | {host: .meta.description, gateway: .meta.gateway_pool, version: .meta.version, connected: .status.connected, avg_uptime_score: .period.avg_uptime_score, avg_latency_score: .period.avg_latency_score, avg_success_rate_score: .period.avg_success_rate_score, avg_reliability_score: .period.avg_reliability_score, total_pre_earned: .period.total_pre_earned, rewardable_requests: .period.rewardable_requests}] | sort_by(.host) | .[]' | while read json; do
        host=$(echo $json | jq -r .host)
        gateway=$(echo $json | jq -r .gateway)
        version=$(echo $json | jq -r .version)
        connected=$(echo $json | jq -r .connected)
        case ${connected} in
                if [ $gateway == "testnet"  ]; then
        echo "presearch_status{host=\"$host\",gateway=\"$gateway\",version=\"$version\"} $status" >> $tmpfile;

# moving file
chmod go+r $tmpfile
mv $tmpfile $COLLECTOR_FILE

if [ $checkstat -eq 1 ]; then
    COLLECTOR_FILE=<%= @collector_path %>`hostname -f`.presearch-rewards.prom
    tmpfile=$(mktemp <%= @collector_path %>.XXXXXX)

    echo '# HELP presearch_rewards PRESEARCH Rewards' >> $tmpfile
    echo '# TYPE presearch_rewards gauge' >> $tmpfile
    echo '# Old metrics' >> $tmpfile
    echo '# New metrics' >> $tmpfile

    echo $STATS | jq -c '[.nodes[] | {host: .meta.description, gateway: .meta.gateway_pool, version: .meta.version, connected: .status.connected, avg_uptime_score: .period.avg_uptime_score, avg_latency_score: .period.avg_latency_score, avg_success_rate_score: .period.avg_success_rate_score, avg_reliability_score: .period.avg_reliability_score, total_pre_earned: .period.total_pre_earned, rewardable_requests: .period.rewardable_requests}] | sort_by(.host) | .[]' | while read json; do
            host=$(echo $json | jq -r .host)
            total_pre_earned=$(echo $json | jq -r .total_pre_earned)
            echo "presearch_rewards{host=\"$host\"} $total_pre_earned" >> $tmpfile;

    # moving file
    chmod go+r $tmpfile
    mv $tmpfile $COLLECTOR_FILE

    COLLECTOR_FILE=<%= @collector_path %>`hostname -f`.presearch-requests.prom
    tmpfile=$(mktemp <%= @collector_path %>.XXXXXX)

    echo '# HELP presearch_requests PRESEARCH Requests' >> $tmpfile
    echo '# TYPE presearch_requests gauge' >> $tmpfile
    echo '# Old metrics' >> $tmpfile
    echo '# New metrics' >> $tmpfile

    echo $STATS | jq -c '[.nodes[] | {host: .meta.description, gateway: .meta.gateway_pool, version: .meta.version, connected: .status.connected, avg_uptime_score: .period.avg_uptime_score, avg_latency_score: .period.avg_latency_score, avg_success_rate_score: .period.avg_success_rate_score, avg_reliability_score: .period.avg_reliability_score, total_pre_earned: .period.total_pre_earned, rewardable_requests: .period.rewardable_requests}] | sort_by(.host) | .[]' | while read json; do
            host=$(echo $json | jq -r .host)
            rewardable_requests=$(echo $json | jq -r .rewardable_requests)
            echo "presearch_requests{host=\"$host\"} $rewardable_requests" >> $tmpfile;

    # moving file
    chmod go+r $tmpfile
    mv $tmpfile $COLLECTOR_FILE


After you execute the script by a CRON, I show you my CRON (script must be chmod 0755) :

					crontab -l | grep pres
					# Puppet Name: presearch report
* * * * * /root/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1

The script will create 3 files that can be exported and downloaded by a prometheus server. I show you an example of what there is inside the files :



					cat /var/lib/prometheus-node_exporter/xxx.presearch-rewards.prom
					# HELP presearch_rewards PRESEARCH Rewards
# TYPE presearch_rewards gauge
# Old metrics
# New metrics
presearch_rewards{host="pre1gra2"} 0.05155565703190414
presearch_rewards{host="pre1sgp1-1"} 0.05412707128988071
presearch_rewards{host="pre1sgp1-2"} 0.010521657031904134


					cat /var/lib/prometheus-node_exporter/xxx.presearch-requests.prom
					# HELP presearch_requests PRESEARCH Requests
# TYPE presearch_requests gauge
# Old metrics
# New metrics
presearch_requests{host="pre1gra2"} 1
presearch_requests{host="pre1sgp1-1"} 1
presearch_requests{host="pre1sgp1-2"} 0


					cat /var/lib/prometheus-node_exporter/xxx.presearch-status.prom
					# HELP presearch_status PRESEARCH Status
# TYPE presearch_status gauge
# Old metrics
# New metrics
presearch_status{host="pre1gra2",gateway="eu-de-1",version="1.0.13"} 2
presearch_status{host="pre1sgp1-1",gateway="as-sg-1",version="1.0.13"} 2
presearch_status{host="pre1sgp1-2",gateway="as-sg-1",version="1.0.13"} 2

Grafana dashboard

You can donwload my JSON to import to your grafana by clicking here.

If it’s not working, here how to create the panel :

Daily rewards panel

  • Visualisations : Time series
  • Query options:
    • Min interval: 15m
  • Metric A :
    • query patterns : sum(sum_over_time(presearch_rewards[24h])/60)
    • Legend: Last 24h
  • Metric B :
    • query patterns :
    • Legend: Average over the last 7d

« Average over the last 7 days (before each point) of the total rewards over 24h before each point (by node)» panel

If you find how to write the title in good english, tell me 🙂

  • Visualisations : Time series
  • Query options:
    • Min interval: 15m
  • Metric A :
    • query patterns : sum_over_time(presearch_rewards[7d])/60/7
    • Legend: {{ instance }}

« Last 24h total rewards before each point (by node) » panel

  • Visualisations : Time series
  • Query options:
    • Min interval: 15m
  • Metric A :
    • query patterns : sum_over_time(presearch_rewards[24h])/60
    • Legend: {{ instance }}

« Rewards » panel

  • Visualisations : Time series
  • Query options:
    • Min interval: 15m
  • Metric A :
    • query patterns : presearch_rewards
    • Legend: {{ instance }}

« Total requests » panel

  • Visualisations : Time series
  • Query options:
    • Min interval: 15m
  • Metric A :
    • query patterns : presearch_requests
    • Legend: {{ instance }}

« Presearch Status » panel

  • Visualisations : Stat
  • Query options:
    • Interval: 5m
  • Metric A :
    • query patterns : presearch_status
    • Legend: {{ host }}
  • Value mappings (on the right near bottom) (+Add threshold):
    • 2 -> OK
    • 1 -> Testnet
    • 0 -> Disconnected
  • Thresholds (on the right near bottom) (+Add threshold):
    • Green = 2
    • Orange = 1
    • (red) = Base

« Presearch Status (again but different graph) » panel

  • Visualisations : Status history
  • Query options:
    • Max data points: 200
    • Min interval: 1m
    • Interval: 2h
  • Metric A :
    • query patterns : sum(presearch_status) by (host)
    • Legend: {{ host }}
  • Thresholds (on the right near bottom) (+Add threshold):
    • Green = 2
    • Orange = 1
    • (red) = Base

If you have difficulties, presearch how to do 🙂

If you have more difficulties, presearch more.

Quelle est la mystérieuse ingénierie qui me permet d'obtenir un serveur Linux fiable et performant, sans devoir monter la garde jour et nuit ?